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Here we have answered the most common and obvious questions about Switzerland and Swiss education.

If you want to study at a Swiss private school

Which services do you provide?
We support you in your search for a private school, accompany families on guest visits, prepare interviews, introductory tests, forms and motivational letters. We also take care of any visa issues and find language courses to prepare students for their stay. We also guarantee assistance for the entire duration of the stay.
How much does Swissedu+’s services cost?
The first consultation is free of charge. The cost of further services depends on your selection. When choosing a program from a partner school, a refundable deposit of 300 Swiss francs is due. In other cases, the cost of services is proposed individually, depending on your request.
How much does it cost to study at a Swiss school?
On average, from 18 000 CHF p.a. for full-time education and from 38 000 CHF p.a. for full board. The cost of doing the IB program starts from 45 000 CHF p.a., full boarding included.

Most schools accept payment in installments. Discounts for one-off payments are common.
How do I find the best school for my child?
We will elaborate a selection of schools, from which you will select your favorites, followed by online meetings with the representatives of the schools. A personal visit is also possible and will be accompanied by Swissedu+. With your consent, there will be a trial week with acclimatization and an entry test. The student is assigned to the right level according to the results. Next, you will need to hand in documents, pay for your child’s studies and apply for a study visa. We will assist you with all formalities.
How to choose a Swiss private school?
First, we recommend choosing one of the three language areas in Switzerland. There is a French, German, and Italian part. Depending on which language you want to foster in your child, we recommend choosing the area accordingly.

Second, the type of diploma plays a key role. You can choose from Swiss, American, French, or British programs as well as, of course, the International Baccalaureate (IB). If your child is to study at a Swiss university one day, we recommend the Swiss Matura or the IB. Other programs are more universal: they are accepted by most of the universities and institutes around the world.

The size of the school also plays a role and should be based on the needs of your child. Small schools tend to be more family-oriented and -like with an individual approach, while larger schools offer more opportunities for socialization.
What if we do not yet know which certificate is needed?
No problem. We will ask you some clarifying questions, tell you about the different possibilities and choose the appropriate option. Surely there is a suitable option among the private schools in Switzerland. Any relevant international diploma is obtainable as well as a multilingual and creative environment.
What are the living conditions like in a boarding school?
In Swiss boarding schools, girls and boys live in different parts of the building or even in different buildings. The rooms are freshly renovated and have all the necessary furniture. High school students are usually accommodated in double or triple rooms, consisting of different nationalities. A teacher is on duty around the clock on each floor. He keeps order and helps children with any question they have.
What food is served at Swiss boarding schools?
In Swiss boarding schools, there are usually five meals a day: three main meals and two snacks. Some guesthouses have their own farms, the rest of the products are local. The food is prepared by professional chefs which ensures healthy and delicious food at once.
How long can I be with my child in Switzerland?
The child will receive a study visa, according to which he will be able to stay in Switzerland for an extended period. This visa does not give any privileges to relatives. If parents do not have a Schengen visa, visits are limited to three weeks on a Swiss tourist visa, unless they work for a Swiss company or a Swiss diplomatic organization.
Can I send my child to study in Switzerland for a few months only?
Yes, some of our partners offer one or two trimester programs. In this case, education costs an average of 30 000 CHF.
We are moving to Switzerland for permanent residence, which school would you recommend?
There are two options: International school for expats, where classes are held in English, or a public school, where the child will study with local children. The latter option is highly recommended as there is no additional charge, Swiss public school have high standards and children immerse quickly into Swiss culture. If the child does not now the cantonal language, the student will attend an integration class parallelly to the regular class. Gradually, the number of hours in the first decreases, and in the second it increases until the child completely merges into the regular class.

If you want to study at a Swiss state university

How to choose a public university in Switzerland?
Simply put, first choose a course, then the university. Since the backbone of the Swiss economy is industry, pharmacology and banking, the most in-demand studies are engineering, economics, IT, technical, mathematical, and social sciences.

For technical disciplines we recommend the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technologies (ETH), for economics and business the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and Bern University of Applied Sciences, for banking and law the Universities of Lausanne and Fribourg, for humanities the Universities of Zurich, Geneva, or Lausanne. You can get a good art or architecture education at the University of Basel, at ETH or at the University of Bern.

The second important point when choosing a university is the language. You know and want to improve your German - it is taught at the Universities of Basel, Bern, Lucerne, St. Gallen, Zurich, and ETH. For French, choose the University of Lausanne, Fribourg, Geneva, Neuchâtel or the EPFL. The University of Lugano is recommended for Italian.
What exams and documents are required for admission to a Swiss state university?
Each university determines its own admission requirements. On Bachelor level (first 2-3 years of study), foreign diplomas are usually not recognized, and admission tests must be taken. Exceptions to this are the Swiss Matura, German and French degrees and the International Baccalaureate. The language of the region (German, French, or Italian) must be mastered at level C1. Normally, a certificate needs to proof your skills. At Master’s level, requirements are less strict yet a full application for the desired program – upon which the university will decide - needs to be handed in.

Some universities also require confirmation from the bank that the applicant has the equivalent of 20 000 CHF in his account.

It can be difficult to understand all requirements. Contact us for further information.
Can I apply to multiple public universities at once?
Yes. Keep in mind that all Swiss universities have different requirements, so different documents and exams need to be handed in. When submitting applications, a non-refundable registration fee needs to be paid.
What if I want to apply for several faculties of the same university?
No problem! But remember about the non-refundable contribution for each application.
How much does it cost to study at a Swiss university?
From 1500 to 4500 francs p.a. But you need to remember that Switzerland is an expensive country and monthly living here will cost another 2000 CHF. You are allowed to support yourself with a part-time job on a student visa – always double check this with the corresponding migration office.
How can I optimize my chances for a university place?
There are three keys to success: Work on your English and one of the Swiss national languages - German, French, or Italian. Accepted diplomas are e. g. Goethe, DaF, DELF, DALF or CILS. Good grades in the core subjects also improve your chances. Contact us for assistance.
How much are cost of living in Switzerland?
Rental housing: 700-1500 CHF. It is expensive, so it is better to rent an apartment with friends. Most universities offer support for finding appartements, some have a campus.

Calculate between 400 CHF and 600 CHF per month. Cooking at home will be good for your budget as restaurant food is rather pricey.

On average, traveling expenses ad up to 40-70 CHF per month. Half fare cards for students are available.

Medical insurance costs 100-350 CHF. Some insurance companies offer student packages, which are cheaper. The insurance covers 80-100% of the costs less a freely selectable deductible between CHF 300-2500.

You will need 30-80 CHF for mobile communications and internet.
Do public universities offer scholarships and grants for international students?
Yes. There are various scholarships available, depending on performance, the university and field of studies. Get in touch with us for more information.